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Diodorus Siculus. Diodorus of Sicily in Twelve Volumes with an English Translation by C. H. Oldfather. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann, Ltd. 1989.

Fragments of Uncertain Provenience: Diodorus Siculus

[And last of all, many generations later, the people of the Siceli crossed over in a body from Italy into Sicily and made their home in the land which had been abandoned by the Sicani. And since the Siceli steadily grew more avaricious and kept ravaging the land which bordered on theirs, frequent wars arose between them and the Sicani, until at last they struck covenants and set up boundaries of their territory, upon which they had agreed. With regard to these matters we shall give a detailed account in connection with the appropriate period of time.]Diod. 5.6.3-4.

Diodorus, however, recognizes a distinction between them, when he speaks of Sicani and Siceli.Eustathius, Commentary on the Odyssey, Book 20, p. 1896. [2]

Diodorus, when he speaks somewhere in the first ten Books about both Siceli and Sicani, recognizes a distinction, as I have already said, between Sicelus and Sicanus.Eustathius, Commentary on the Odyssey, Book 24, p. 1962.

Diodorus of Sicily and Oppian state that this city of Neapolis was founded by Heracles.Tzetzes, on the Alexandra of Lycophron, v. 717.

And the Palladium1 of Athena was like this we have mentioned, three cubits tall, made of wood, having fallen from heaven, men say, in Pesinous in Phrygia, and Diodorus and Dio say that the region received its name from this event2Eudocia, Violarium, 322.

And Diodorus records that a certain peak of the Alps, which has the appearance of being the highest part of the entire range, is called by the natives the “Ridge of Heaven.”Eustathius, loc. cit. Book 1, p. 1390.

1 An image of Pallas Athene.

2 Pesinous from the stem pes in the verb “to fall.”

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